Domestic Pricing by Rate Type
There are two ways to obtain the pricing rates available via Shipper API
Get Pricing Domestic
This endpoint will display all logistics available by Shipper on that particular route
Get Pricing Domestic by Rate Types
This endpoint will only display logistics available based on the rate type query request.
Example of Get Domestic Pricing User Interface

Authorizations : X-API-Key_Header
Request Body Schema : application/json
POST Domestic Pricing by Rate Type
POST /v3/pricing/domestic/{rate_type}
Path Parameter
Parameter | Type | Description |
rate_type | string "instant", "regular" , "express" "trucking" , "same-day" | The type of services that want to be displayed |
Request Data
Parameter | Type | Description |
origin.area_id (Required when not use lat-lon) | integer | Area id of the origin obtained from Get Location | (Required for Instant & Same Day Service) | string | Latitude Position of the Origin |
origin.lng (Required for Instant & Same Day Service) | string | Longitude Position of the Origin |
origin.suburb_id | integer | Suburb id of the origin |
destination.area_id (Required when not use lat-lon) | integer | Area id of the destination obtained from Get Location | (Required for Instant & Same Day Service) | string | Latitude Position of the Destination |
destination.lng (Required for Instant & Same Day Service) | string | Longitude Position of the Destination |
destination.suburb_id (Optional) | integer | Suburb id of the destination |
for_order (required) | boolean | Use this to ensure pricing eligibility. |
cod | boolean | Default set to false |
height (required) | integer | Height in cm |
length (required) | integer | Length in cm |
width (required) | integer | Width in cm |
weight (required) | integer | Weight in kg |
item_value (required) | integer | Value of the item in IDR |
limit | integer | Limit data displayed for each page, default 30 |
page | integer | Page Number default 1 |
sort_by | Array of Strings | Sort the orders of available services based on the filter. Example "final_price" |
Sample Request and Response
In the sample below, querying regular rate service will only display Regular Services
curl --location --request POST '{{baseUrl}}/v3/pricing/domestic/regular' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
"cod": false,
"destination": {
"area_id": 4711,
"lat": "-6.2195686",
"lng": "106.8325872",
"suburb_id": 482
"for_order": true,
"height": 10,
"item_value": 40000,
"length": 10,
"limit": 30,
"origin": {
"area_id": 4711,
"lat": "-6.2195686",
"lng": "106.8325872",
"suburb_id": 482
"page": 1,
"sort_by": [
"weight": 0.5,
"width": 10
"metadata": {
"path": "/v3/pricing/domestic/regular?%3Arate_type=regular&",
"http_status_code": 200,
"http_status": "OK",
"timestamp": 1622180735
"data": {
"origin": {
"area_id": 4711,
"area_name": "Karet Kuningan",
"suburb_id": 482,
"suburb_name": "Setia Budi",
"city_id": 41,
"city_name": "Jakarta Selatan",
"province_id": 6,
"province_name": "DKI Jakarta",
"country_id": 228,
"country_name": "INDONESIA",
"lat": -6.2197608,
"lng": 106.8266873
"destination": {
"area_id": 4711,
"area_name": "Karet Kuningan",
"suburb_id": 482,
"suburb_name": "Setia Budi",
"city_id": 41,
"city_name": "Jakarta Selatan",
"province_id": 6,
"province_name": "DKI Jakarta",
"country_id": 228,
"country_name": "INDONESIA",
"lat": -6.2197608,
"lng": 106.8266873
"pricings": [
"logistic": {
"id": 13,
"name": "Wahana",
"logo_url": "",
"code": "WHN",
"company_name": "PT Wahana Prestasi Logistik"
"rate": {
"id": 15,
"name": "Regular",
"type": "Regular",
"description": "Regular",
"full_description": ""
"weight": 0.5,
"volume": 1000,
"volume_weight": 0.167,
"final_weight": 1,
"min_day": 2,
"max_day": 2,
"unit_price": 5000,
"total_price": 5000,
"discount": 0,
"discount_value": 0,
"discounted_price": 5000,
"insurance_fee": 200,
"must_use_insurance": false,
"liability_value": 40000,
"final_price": 5000,
"currency": "IDR",
"insurance_applied": false
"logistic": {
"id": 33,
"name": "SAP",
"logo_url": "",
"code": "SAP",
"company_name": "SAP Logistic"
"rate": {
"id": 349,
"name": "Reguler",
"type": "Regular",
"description": "Regular",
"full_description": ""
"weight": 0.5,
"volume": 1000,
"volume_weight": 0.167,
"final_weight": 1,
"min_day": 3,
"max_day": 7,
"unit_price": 7000,
"total_price": 7000,
"discount": 0,
"discount_value": 0,
"discounted_price": 7000,
"insurance_fee": 120,
"must_use_insurance": false,
"liability_value": 0,
"final_price": 7000,
"currency": "IDR",
"insurance_applied": false
"logistic": {
"id": 6,
"name": "Tiki",
"logo_url": "",
"code": "TIK",
"company_name": "PT Citra Van Titipan Kilat"
"rate": {
"id": 54,
"name": "REG",
"type": "Regular",
"description": "Regular",
"full_description": ""
"weight": 0.5,
"volume": 1000,
"volume_weight": 0.167,
"final_weight": 1,
"min_day": 2,
"max_day": 2,
"unit_price": 8000,
"total_price": 8000,
"discount": 0,
"discount_value": 0,
"discounted_price": 8000,
"insurance_fee": 90,
"must_use_insurance": false,
"liability_value": 40000,
"final_price": 8000,
"currency": "IDR",
"insurance_applied": false
"logistic": {
"id": 16,
"name": "Lion Parcel",
"logo_url": "",
"code": "LPA",
"company_name": "PT Lion Express"
"rate": {
"id": 44,
"name": "REGPACK",
"type": "Regular",
"description": "Regular Rate",
"full_description": ""
"weight": 0.5,
"volume": 1000,
"volume_weight": 0.167,
"final_weight": 1,
"min_day": 3,
"max_day": 5,
"unit_price": 8500,
"total_price": 8500,
"discount": 0,
"discount_value": 0,
"discounted_price": 8500,
"insurance_fee": 100,
"must_use_insurance": false,
"liability_value": 40000,
"final_price": 8500,
"currency": "IDR",
"insurance_applied": false
"logistic": {
"id": 3,
"name": "RPX",
"logo_url": "",
"code": "RPX",
"company_name": "PT Repex Perdana International"
"rate": {
"id": 8,
"name": "RGP",
"type": "Regular",
"description": "Regular Package (RGP)",
"full_description": ""
"weight": 0.5,
"volume": 1000,
"volume_weight": 0.167,
"final_weight": 1,
"min_day": 2,
"max_day": 2,
"unit_price": 9000,
"total_price": 9000,
"discount": 0,
"discount_value": 0,
"discounted_price": 9000,
"insurance_fee": 200,
"must_use_insurance": false,
"liability_value": 40000,
"final_price": 9000,
"currency": "IDR",
"insurance_applied": false
"logistic": {
"id": 9,
"name": "J&T",
"logo_url": "",
"code": "JNT",
"company_name": "PT Global Jet Express"
"rate": {
"id": 57,
"name": "Express",
"type": "Regular",
"description": "Express Rate",
"full_description": ""
"weight": 0.5,
"volume": 1000,
"volume_weight": 0.167,
"final_weight": 1,
"min_day": 1,
"max_day": 3,
"unit_price": 9000,
"total_price": 9000,
"discount": 0,
"discount_value": 0,
"discounted_price": 9000,
"insurance_fee": 5100,
"must_use_insurance": false,
"liability_value": 40000,
"final_price": 9000,
"currency": "IDR",
"insurance_applied": false
"logistic": {
"id": 1,
"name": "JNE",
"logo_url": "",
"code": "JNE",
"company_name": "PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir"
"rate": {
"id": 4,
"name": "CTC",
"type": "Regular",
"description": "Regular",
"full_description": ""
"weight": 0.5,
"volume": 1000,
"volume_weight": 0.167,
"final_weight": 1,
"min_day": 1,
"max_day": 2,
"unit_price": 9000,
"total_price": 9000,
"discount": 0,
"discount_value": 0,
"discounted_price": 9000,
"insurance_fee": 5080,
"must_use_insurance": false,
"liability_value": 40000,
"final_price": 9000,
"currency": "IDR",
"insurance_applied": false
"logistic": {
"id": 15,
"name": "Ninja Xpress",
"logo_url": "",
"code": "NIN",
"company_name": "PT Andiarta Muzizat"
"rate": {
"id": 228,
"name": "Standard",
"type": "Regular",
"description": "Standard",
"full_description": ""
"weight": 0.5,
"volume": 1000,
"volume_weight": 0.167,
"final_weight": 1,
"min_day": 1,
"max_day": 2,
"unit_price": 9500,
"total_price": 9500,
"discount": 0,
"discount_value": 0,
"discounted_price": 9500,
"insurance_fee": 2750,
"must_use_insurance": false,
"liability_value": 40000,
"final_price": 9500,
"currency": "IDR",
"insurance_applied": false
"logistic": {
"id": 5,
"name": "SiCepat",
"logo_url": "",
"code": "SCP",
"company_name": "PT SiCepat Ekspres Indonesia"
"rate": {
"id": 58,
"name": "REG",
"type": "Regular",
"description": "Regular",
"full_description": ""
"weight": 0.5,
"volume": 1000,
"volume_weight": 0.167,
"final_weight": 1,
"min_day": 1,
"max_day": 2,
"unit_price": 10000,
"total_price": 10000,
"discount": 0,
"discount_value": 0,
"discounted_price": 10000,
"insurance_fee": 5080,
"must_use_insurance": false,
"liability_value": 40000,
"final_price": 10000,
"currency": "IDR",
"insurance_applied": false
"logistic": {
"id": 36,
"name": "Recommended by Shipper",
"logo_url": "",
"code": "RBS",
"rate": {
"id": 365,
"name": "Regular",
"type": "Regular",
"description": "",
"full_description": ""
"weight": 0.5,
"volume": 1000,
"volume_weight": 0.167,
"final_weight": 1,
"min_day": 1,
"max_day": 2,
"unit_price": 10000,
"total_price": 10000,
"discount": 0,
"discount_value": 0,
"discounted_price": 10000,
"insurance_fee": 0,
"must_use_insurance": true,
"liability_value": 40000,
"final_price": 10000,
"currency": "IDR",
"insurance_applied": true
"pagination": {
"current_page": 1,
"current_elements": 10,
"total_pages": 1,
"total_elements": 10,
"sort_by": [
Response List
Parameter | Description |
metadata | Metadata information |
metadata.path | API endpoint path |
metadata.http_status_code | HTTP status code |
metadata.http_status | HTTP status |
metadata.timestamp | Timestamp |
pagination | Paging information |
pagination.current_page | Current page |
pagination.current_elements | Total item per page |
pagination.total_pages | Total pages |
pagination.total_elements | Total datas |
data | All important information about the 3PL pricing |
data.origin | All important information about the origin that have been sent |
data.origin.area_id | Area ID of the origin |
data.origin.area_name | Area name of the origin |
data.origin.suburb_id | Suburb ID of the origin |
data.origin.suburb_name | Suburb name of the origin |
data.origin.city_id | City ID of the origin |
data.origin.city_name | City name of the origin |
data.origin.province_id | Province ID of the origin |
data.origin.province_name | Province name of the origin |
data.origin.country_id | Country ID of the origin |
data.origin.country_name | Country name of the origin | | Latitude of the origin |
data.origin.lng | Longitude of the origin |
data.destination | All important information about the destination that have been sent |
data.destination.area_id | Area ID of the destination |
data.destination.area_name | Area name of the destination |
data.destination.suburb_id | Suburb ID of the destination |
data.destination.suburb_name | Suburb name of the destination |
data.destination.city_id | City ID of the destination |
data.destination.city_name | City name of the destination |
data.destination.province_id | Province ID of the destination |
data.destination.province_name | Province name of the destination |
data.destination.country_id | Country ID of the destination |
data.destination.country_name | Country name of the destination | | Latitude of the destination |
data.destination.lng | Longitude of the destination |
data.pricings | All important information about the available 3PLs based on the request |
data.pricings.[].logistic | All information about the available logistic |
data.pricings.[] | Logistic ID |
data.pricings.[] | Logistic name |
data.pricings.[].logistic.logo_url | Logistic URL logo |
data.pricings.[].logistic.code | Logistic code |
data.pricings.[].logistic.company_name | Logistic company name |
data.pricings.[].rate | All important information about the available rate service of the logistic |
data.pricings.[] | Rate service ID. Required to use when Create Order |
data.pricings.[] | Rate service name |
data.pricings.[].rate.type | Rate service type |
data.pricings.[].rate.description | Rate service description |
data.pricings.[].rate.full_description | Rate service full description |
data.pricings.[].weight | Weight of the package (kg) |
data.pricings.[].volume | Volume of the package based on the length, width, and height |
data.pricings.[].volume_weight | Volumetric weight of the package |
data.pricings.[].final_weight | Final weight that have been chosen between "weight" and "volume_weight". Will choose which one is heavier. |
data.pricings.[].min_day | Minimum day of delivery estimation |
data.pricings.[].max_day | Maximum day of delivery estimation |
data.pricings.[].unit_price | Shipment fee for 1 kg |
data.pricings.[].total_price | Total shipment fee |
data.pricings.[].discount | Discount percentage |
data.pricings.[].discount_value | Discount value (IDR) |
data.pricings.[].discounted_price | Shipment fee after discount |
data.pricings.[].insurance_fee | Insurance fee for the package |
data.pricings.[].must_use_insurance | Information about whether required to use insurance or not. If "must_use_insurance" true, then final_price will be total_price + insurance_fee If "must_use_insurance" false, then final_price will be total_price only. If "must_use_insurance" true, then use_insurance on Create Order must be true. |
data.pricings.[].lialibility_value | Package value |
data.pricings.[].final_price | Total shipment fee with discount and insurance fee |
data.pricings.[].currency | Currency that Shipper used |
data.pricings.[].insurance_applied | Information about whether the insurance fee already applied in the price |
Updated over 2 years ago