Order Cancellation

Updated by 30th of May 2024


There are 2 Types of Cancellation that might occur during the process of delivery.

  • Cancel Order by 3PL
  • Cancel Order by Merchant

With both of these types, the shipper status will change to 999. In this case, you need to recreate a new order.

In the case of order cancelled by user/ merchant, the order status will move to 999. In this case, you can't make a new pickup request with the exisiting order ID. You need to make a new order with new Order ID and make a new pickup request.


Cancellation Flow by Merchant/3PL


In the case that you need to cancel the order, the status will change from that current status to Cancelled - 999.

Notes to Avoid Cancellation

In order to avoid any cases of cancellation above, please ensure that the order(s) are ready for pick up before the driver arrives.

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