Insurance Policy

Insurance Calculation Rules

Shipper gets insurance prices from each logistics that has its own insurance calculation rules. Please take note, there are compulsory insurance rules if the item price of the order exceeds the insurance limit. If the item price exceeds the insurance limit, you are required to use insurance on your order.

Insurance Threshold

No3PL ListsInsurance Threshold
1JNERp 1.000.000
2SiCepatRp 500.000
3TikiRp 1.000.000
4J&TRp 1.000.000
5WahanaRp 199.999
6Ninja XpressRp 1.000.000
7Lion ParcelRp 1.000.000
8SAPRp 1.000.000
9Indah CargoRp 100.000
10Dakota CargoRp 200.000
11Sentral CargoRp 1.000.000

The list stated above states the threshold value of each 3PLs that requires insurance. If the item price is above the threshold value stated above, you are required to create order with insurance. To create order with insurance, the use_insurance parameter on API Create Order needs to be true.

If your item value is Rp 1.500.000,- and you choose JNE for the service. Our system will inform you on must_use_insurance parameter on Get Pricing API, then you must fill in use_insurance parameter on Create Order API with true.

Insurance Details

There are two types of compensation provided by Shipper in the event of loss or damage to goods during the shipping process:

LogisticPremiAdmin FeeMinimum Charge InsuranceCompensation (Without Insurance)Compensation (With Insurance)
JNE0.25%Free-The lowest price between 10x of the shipping fee or value of the goods.

Max. Rp1,000,000 per order.
Max. Rp2,000,000,000
JNT0.25%Free-The lowest price between 10x of the shipping fee or value of the goods.

Max. Rp1,000,000 per order.
Max. Rp20,000,000
NINJA0.25%Free-The lowest price between 10x of the shipping fee or value of the goods.

Max. Rp1,000,000 per order.
Max. Rp30,000,000
INDAH0.20%Free-10x of shipping fee.

Max. Rp1,000,000 per order.
The value of the goods when order is created.
LION0.25%Free-The lowest price between 10x of the shipping fee or value of the goods.Max. Rp100,000,000
SAP0.3 %Rp2.000-The lowest price between 10x of the shipping fee or value of the goods per order.

Max. Rp1,000,000 per order.
90% of the value of the goods stated when create the order.
SICEPAT0.25%Free-REG and BEST:
Rp500.000 for the first 1kg, applicable up to 5kg or Rp2.500.000.

Rp200.000 for the first 1kg, applicable up to 5kg or Rp1.000.000.
Maximum IDR 100,000,000
RPX0.5 %Free-The lowest price between 10x of the shipping fee or value of the goods per order.

Max. Rp2,000,000 per order.
Max. Rp100,000,000
TIKI0.20%Free-10x of shipping fee.

Max. Rp2,500,000.
Max. Rp500,000,000
GOSENDAutomatically covered by insurance.Free-Insurance is automatically covered.Maximum IDR 10,000,000
PAXEL0.2 %Free-10x of shipping fee.

Max. Rp1,000,000 per order.
Max. Rp30,000,000
GRAB EXPRESSAutomatically covered by insurance.Free-The lowest price between 10x of the shipping fee or value of the goods per order.INSTANT
Max. Rp10,000,000

Max. 10x shipment fee
ANTERAJA0.20%Free-The lowest price between 10x of the shipping fee or value of the goods per order.

Max. Rp1,000,000 per order.
Max. Rp1,000,000
WAHANA0.5%Free-Max. Rp199,999 per order.Max. Rp9,999,999
J&T Cargo0.20%Free-Insurance required Rp5.000 per order.

Max. Rp2,500,000 per order
Max. Rp200,000,000
Sentral Cargo0.2% FreeMinimum charge of Rp 5000-Udara Elektronik dan Darat Elektronik 1 juta per kg/unit

Udara Non Elektronik 400k per kg/unit
Darat Non Elektronik 200k per kg/unit
LalamoveAutomatically covered by insurance.Free--Max depends on vehicle**
Pos IndonesiaAs feedback from Pos Indo APIAs feedback from Pos Indo API-


Important Notes

  1. When create the order, make sure you fill in the value of the item according to the actual price.
  2. Mandatory to use insurance if you send fragile goods and important documents.
  3. Please always fill use_insurance = false when create order use 3PL with insurance automatically covered (Gosend & Grab Express).

Compulsory Insurance Flow

When the item price exceeds the threshold of each 3PL, we will inform you on API Get Pricing with the must_use_insurance parameter.

  • If the must_use_insurance parameter is true, then there is compulsory insurance you have to add to the order. To add the compulsory insurance, the use_insurance parameter value on API Create Order must be true. If you set the useinsurance parameter false, then the order creation will fail and the Create Order API will return error message "This order must use insurance."_ .
  • If the must_use_insurance parameter is false, then the insurance is optional. When the insurance is optional, the use_insurance parameter value on API Create Order can be either true or false.

Lalamove Vehicle Insurance Coverage

Vehicle NameInsurance Coverage
Sedan IntercityRp2,000,000
MPV IntercityRp2,000,000
Van IntercityRp4,000,000
Pickup BakRp6,000,000
Pickup Bak IntercityRp6,000,000
Pickup Box (1 Ton)Rp6,000,000
Pickup Box (1 Ton) IntercityRp6,000,000
Engkel Bak (2.5 Ton)Rp6,000,000
Engkel Bak (2.5 Ton) IntercityRp6,000,000
Engkel Box (2 Ton)Rp6,000,000
Engkel Box (2 Ton) IntercityRp6,000,000
CDD Bak (5 Ton)Rp6,000,000
CDD Bak (5 Ton) IntercityRp6,000,000
CDD Box (5 Ton)Rp6,000,000
CDD Box (5 Ton) IntercityRp6,000,000
Heavy Truck Open (8 Ton)Rp6,000,000
Heavy Truck Box (8 Ton)Rp6,000,000